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Sewer Guard

Pollution Solutions for Water Contamination

Innovation For Water Separation

See what this company has to say about reducing risks for spillage and pollution.

Sewer Guard™ has developed the NS series of equipment specially designed to protect municipal sewers and storm water drains from pollution by both minor and major spillage of petroleum fuels and oils, particularly in service stations.

A Separator will not work properly for dissolved (soluble or emulsified) oils or if detergents or degreasers are present, their use should be avoided.

Reference is made to this schematic drawing of a complete Sewer Guard™ system:

Contaminated water, usually wash-down water from the under-canopy area of a service station or from a workshop floor, is drained into an underground sludge/silt collection tank in which solid material accumulates for regular clean-out. The contaminated water then overflows into the underground separator tank which is specially designed to permit and maintain the gravity separation of water and the hydrocarbon contaminants: the later are lighter than water and float to the top of the separator tank. Under usual conditions of low levels of water contamination the accumulation of contaminants slowly overflows the separator into the drain box, a sealed tank with elevated breather, which requires regular pumping-out to maintain it as “normally empty”. At the same time, wastewater regularly underflows from the tank to sewer. Under the extreme condition of a major petroleum spillage, alternatively neglect to empty the drain box, the drain box fills and the separator tank itself begins to fill, from the top downwards, with contaminant(s). Without a special safeguard the contaminants would eventually reach the underflow connection and cause major contamination of the sewer: that safeguard is provided by the Sewer Guard™ patented float valve system.

Oil separator with drain box, silt tank, floor drainer and sample point:

Sewer Guard™ Float Valve System is a South African patented product now used internationally. For more information, visit Pollution Solutions Africa.

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